Global Partnership Network Empowerment Workshops 2022
Creating Alternative Modes Of Development Cooperation For Food Sovereignty And Reparatory Justice, Especially For Afro-descendant Farmers
Final Positions (english version | pdf format)
We, the farmers, organizations and institutions signatory to this statement, engaged as organizers and participants in two empowerment workshops held on June 23nd and September 29th 2022 on the theme « Creating Alternative Development Cooperation for Food Sovereignty and Reparatory Justice, especially for Afro-descendant Famers. » These two workshops were co-organized by the Karl Lévêque Cultural Institute (ICKL) in Haiti and the University of West Indies (UWI) in Jamaica through the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) as cooperators in the Global Partnership Network (GPN). Our collaboration with, and the contributions of, the Ghana Permaculture Institute (GPI) – a partner of the GPN- were also important for the realization of these international workshops and its empowerment objectives.
Read more through the following link :
GPN_Empowerment Workshops 2022